Caring Radiator

Clean the radiator is actually an activity that should be one of the main part when the car users want to keep the vehicle independently. However, note that for certain types of cars - among them BMW - because the sophisticated cooling system, the activity had to be done by experts. Similarly, for a number of cars on the latest output class.

But most cars, even for a few variants of the Mercedes, the radiator system is developed with conventional technology. So draining and cleaning of the radiator is relatively easy and can be done independently. Here's efforts to care for the radiator cooling system the car can work optimally.

When the engine is cold
Some experts suggest the maintenance of mechanical water radiator radiator done when engine is cold. The trick just after the top cover removed, immediately opened spending taps. Then the water will come out. But most of the radiator only has a small tap expenditure and is located slightly on the top.

Because it is advisable to remove the rubber line at the bottom of the radiator so the water will be faster out. Be careful when opening and removing the rubber this channel. Replace the rubber line with a new one when the object is no longer have the flexibility. Channels hardened rubber radiator fragile and would make a fuss because the water in the radiator must be exhausted.

Spray with pressurized water
After the water is completely discharged, pressurized spray clean water through the top hole so that water will come out at the bottom. Cover with a large hole in the bottom of the hand until the water overflowing at the top and remove the arms so that the water rushing out. Repeat several times until the water enters and leaves the same clean condition.

For a certain type of car radiator is easy to do takedown. If you belong to this type of car, it helps lift the radiator when planning draining. After entering the water, shake the radiator to dissolve dirt.

Pack carefully re-
After removing the radiator and clean it, return it in place carefully and cautiously. Note erectness radiator and maintain an ideal distance to the fan. Tie re-attach and tighten the rubber channels and klemnya. It's good klemnya previously tensioned, is attached with glue specially known as a gasket.

Then clean the metal grating that there are nearly on the entire surface of the radiator by pressurized air. Spray tip compressor evenly. If previously the radiator removed, these activities can be replaced by immersing the radiator in a large bucket for a while until the dust and dirt decays.

Trim lattice with screwdriver tip
Most of the radiator grille was intact due to collision or hit the fan when the spin is not perfect. Tidy up the plot one by one using a small screwdriver tip. This activity is very tedious but necessary so that the air flow lanncar radiator body blow.

Filling water
Once the radiator back in place, fill the water until full. Then turn on the machine, and surface water will surely go down as some of the water sucked up and running on the machine. Allow the engine to heat water and fill to the brim, then tutupkan cover properly. After that fill the water up to 3 / 4 the surface of the reservoir tube is usually near the radiator and connected with a small hose.


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