About Transmission

The most powerful engine would not have to drive a vehicle without assistance transmission system. Engine provides power to drive the vehicle, but the transmission was the one who then drives the wheels to be able to move.

There are three transmission system that we know and are often used by people of Indonesia, namely manual, automatic, and 4-wheel drive. However, all these have the same concept is to move the vehicle.

Transmission system is also moving to change the vehicle speed according to engine speed, thus allowing the engine to get the momentum moving the vehicle.

The type of transmission system, its basic components are always the same, consisting of a series of gears that form the basic physical structure of a transmission system. Each tooth function in a vehicle moving at a specified speed. Transmission system is connected to the gear box or a cable system with a combination of stalk consisting of several rods. If one of these components are worn or damaged, the driver will find it hard to move the teeth. Besides that, the clutch plates should also be in good condition, otherwise the driver will also experience similar difficulties

When iron collided with the iron, of course, will happen will cause friction and heat.

It lists different types of reasons why the transmission component requires a lubricant to reduce friction and heat. because, the lubricant in the gear box must always be sufficient. Unlike engine oil, transmission oil is not contaminated with the fast. But long service will eliminate the effectiveness of the lubricant. Reduced transmission lubricant will result in heat and accelerate the wear and damage to transmission components. As a guideline, transmission lubricant must be replaced at least 6 months or every 40,000 km.

For most car owners, the problem with the replacement tooth or unusual noise on the machine will encourage them to visit the garage to repair vehicles. Unfortunately not all mechanics are honest notify vehicle owners that they are adequately addressed the problem by just replacing the transmission lubricant. Some of them say that there is a problem with the gear box.

As a result, vehicle owners must pay a replacement gear box is expensive and unnecessary driving you nevertheless contribute to the age of transmission. Currently doing shift the transmission, make sure you push clutch fully to release the transmission from the engine. Also, keep your foot from the clutch while moving because it will reduce unnecessary wear on the clutch plate and damage. [ERF / Auto]

8 ways to save operational cost car

The car is no longer a matter of prestige. For some people, cars are an important means of transportation are included in the daily necessities. Just like the others in the group, transportation needs must be made seirit and as effective as possible so as not to disturb the stability of the financial balance of households.

This condition is especially felt in major cities. In Jakarta, nearly 40% of expenditure in this post. More than 50% of trips are commuting to work. About 20% to commute to school.

Savings can be started when buying a car. Choosing a used car can save several million dollars compared to new cars of the same model (of course that is still feasible and viable. See tricks to choose a used car in tip mobilku.com before). Similarly, the tax must be paid, is also more efficient.

Configuration inline four-cylinder engine is more efficient than the V6 or V8 peformanya much better. (Anyways, why look for a car that could drag in Jakarta when the average cruising speed of only 8 km / h, much smaller than the international average, 12 km / h). The car is lighter, smaller is also more friendly about gasoline.

Even if it's been a car, you can still make savings with the simple steps that match common sense.

+ Do not heat the engine for too long

Machine heats the habit is good, but not for too long. Because gasoline is burned it does not take you anywhere. Moreover, faster car "hot" when driving. Moreover, the car technology is now no heating takes many minutes. So why waste gasoline by 'ritual' heating linger?

+ Treat Gently car

Run a car with a soft and smooth. Bring the car to the ideal speed / cruising fast but do not be rude. Try to stable at that speed. This will save gasoline. Avoid the habit of speeding and brake repeatedly. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, USA, the most economical speed range from 40 km / h to 100 km / hour. Running a car with a soft, not only saves fuel but also extend the life of the engine, transmission and brakes.

+ Be careful with the roof rack

It may not have thought that putting the goods in the roof rack will cause the gasoline becoming more extravagant. In fact the disruption of air flow due to the placement of goods that cause the engine must work harder and this means more gasoline. When equipped with air conditioning, make it a habit to close all the windows, because open windows would disrupt the airflow and create new barriers.

+ Use the manufacturer's recommendation fuel

If your car is designed to use premium, yes buy premium. Buying gasoline is more expensive does not give a significant advantage. However, be careful with leaded premium is still only sold Pertamina. Gasoline tends to produce deposits in the engine's crust in the long term.

+ Maintain regular

Car care habits including regular oil change will ultimately reduce operating costs, because the car operating in peak condition and are rarely damaged. Machines that are not in tune up gasoline absorb 10-20 percent more than the diligent care. Modern machines are computer controlled do not require tune ups as often as the old machine, but still should be treated. Make sure the car is maintained according to schedule in the manual. Act swiftly when they hear or feel the sound, vibration and smell different, will help reduce the risk of dry bags.

+ It does not have formal workshop

Authorized dealer of course equipped with modern equipment and experienced production car repair. But the official workshop is usually more expensive than ordinary workshop. So it's good looking for regular workshops with experienced and professional mechanic to perform routine maintenance of your car. While in certain cases classified as difficult and rare, better take advantage of the formal workshop. Get used to keeping track of car maintenance every time the car into the garage. Note this will be very useful later when the car will be sold again.

+ Check your tires

Often the rider fails to check the tires. And tires that are less wind pressure requires more energy to menggulirkannya, in addition to faster wear. Check the tire at least once a month in cold conditions. The recommended pressure is usually listed in the manual or on the inside of the car. This habit will prolong the life of the tires that are now expensive.

+ Seat belt not decoration

Take advantage of a seat belt, because the device has proven to provide optimum protection in the event of collision. Risk of injury can be reduced, so the cost of hospital care.

(bid / multiple sources)

Washing your own car with easy & effective

Cleaning the car regularly will keep the car from the 'decay' before his time. It is comfortable utilizing the services of Automated car washes. However, if one choose, we risk stripping the wax and scratch the finish layer of paint. Risks can be minimized if the activity is done alone at home.

Finish is a combination of paint and coating materials transparent plate covering the car body. In the new car paint finish consists of layers stacked by the clear glossy coating. Above are usually coated with wax protective finish (protective wax). Finish should be kept intact because it is the main patron of the car body damage. Once the finish layer is damaged or torn, the body will be easy corrosion.

Always use a clean cotton cloth and soft. It could also wear gloves made specifically for washing cars. Using cloth carelessly when washing or drying the car will scratch the surface. Car park shady place, preferably where ramps for wash water to flow faster and faster car dry.

start by washing Velg:

The liquid cleaners work better on a dry surface. Spray cleaning fluid such as usage guidelines. When the dirt is still stick use a soft brush, do not scrub too hard. When using Velg alloy, make sure the cleaning fluid does not damage the protective layer.

Washing the body:

Flush the entire body of the car from top to bottom. Better when using a pistol-shaped water spray that can be arranged power. By adjusting the power level bursts, dry dirt can be removed. Do not be too tight because it will push dirt into the finish layer. Do not forget the pit and Velg sidelines. If there's dirt left over use pre-cleaning solution. Pour the liquid on the rag and rubbing in the dirt. Stubborn dirt can be scrubbed a little harder. Be careful, if scratched too hard at risk. Use special detergent to the car to the finish unprotected. Using dishwashing detergent will peel wax layer.

Pour the detergent into the cleaning bucket containing cold water (hot water will melt the wax layer). Follow the instructions usage and comparison of detergent and water. Do not over, because it will remove more wax. The experience of many people, mixing 75% of the recommended detergent actually produce cleaner cars shiny. Try to find the most appropriate composition of your own

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Membersihkan mobil secara teratur akan menjaga mobil dari ‘pembusukan’ sebelum waktunya. Memang nyaman memanfaatkan jasa Automated car washes. Namun kalau salah memilih, akan beresiko melucuti lapisan wax dan menggores finish cat. Resiko itu dapat diminimalkan bila kegiatan itu dilakukan sendiri di rumah.

Finish adalah kombinasi cat dan bahan pelapis tembus pandang yang menutupi plat body mobil. Pada mobil baru finish terdiri dari lapisan cat yang ditumpuk oleh lapisan jernih mengkilap. Diatas finish biasanya dilapisi wax pelindung (protective wax). Finish harus dipertahankan utuh karena merupakan adalah pelindung utama body mobil dari kerusakan. Sekali saja lapisan finish rusak atau terkelupas, body akan mudah korosi.

Gunakan selalu lap katun yang bersih dan lembut. Bisa juga memakai sarung tangan yang dibuat khusus untuk mencuci mobil. Menggunakan lap sembarangan ketika mencuci atau mengeringkan mobil akan menggores permukaan. Parkirkan mobil ditempat teduh, lebih baik kalau tempatnya landai agar air cuci lebih cepat mengalir dan mobil cepat kering.

Mulailkan dengan mencuci peleg (Velg):
Cairan pembersih bekerja lebih baik pada permukaan yang kering. Semprotkan cairan pembersih seperti petunjuk pemakaian. Bila kotoran masih menepel gunakan sikat lembut, jangan menggosok terlalu keras. Bila memakai peleg alloy, pastikan cairan pembersih tidak merusak lapisan pelindungnya.

Mencuci body:
Siram seluruh body mobil dari atas ke bawah. Lebih baik bila menggunakan penyemprot air berbentuk pistol yang bisa diatur daya semprotnya. Dengan mengatur tingkat kekuatan semburan, kotoran-kotoran kering dapat dihilangkan. Jangan terlalu kencang karena justru akan mendorong kotoran masuk ke dalam lapisan finish. Jangan lupa bagian kolong dan sela-sela peleg. Kalau masih ada kotoran yang tersisa gunakan pre-cleaning solution. Tuangkan cairan pada lap dan gosokan pada kotoran yang menempel. Kotoran yang membandel bisa digosok agak keras. Hati-hati, bila terlalu keras berresiko tergores. Gunakan detergen khusus untuk mobil agar finish terlindungi. Menggunakan deterjen pencuci piring akan menguliti lapisan wax.

Tuangkan detergen pembersih kedalam ember yang berisi air dingin (air panas akan melumerkan lapisan wax). Ikuti petunjuk pemakaian dan perbandingan detergen dan air. Jangan lebih, karena akan menghilangkan lebih banyak wax. Pengalaman banyak orang, mencampurkan 75% detergen dari yang direkomendasikan justru menghasilkan mobil yang lebih bersih mengkilap. Cobalah menemukan komposisi yang paling tepat menurut anda. (Ydi/Oto)

Injection System ( Merawat Sistem Injeksi )

MANY ways used by motorists, so as not easy to strike at the time of use. Especially if the car will be used to pernjalanan far. Car strikes are usually caused by several factors, including injection system that works is not normal because one of its components breaks interference.

Therefore, regular maintenance on injection system, should be done every 5,000 km. The treatment course will determine the performance of the car itself. Following this, several components that must receive special treatment on a regular basis, namely:

First, the injector nozzle. A small nozzle hole size can be clogged dirt / crust. When that happens, gasoline sprays may be stunted and debitnya be reduced. That will result in engine speed becomes distracted and pull to be slow.

Second, the air filter. This filter function is to filter out dirt and dust from the air, thereby allowing more air into the combustion chamber. Inhibition of the air, will cause incomplete combustion and wasted fuel. Because of its function as a filter, air filter of course has to be clean of dirt.

Third, fuel filter. This component contained in the engine room and made of metal / plastic. Fuel filter is dirty, should be cleaned with the help of high pressure wind. If conditions are too dirty, you should replace with new. If allowed, could lead to damage which eventually spread to a gas station, marked by the emergence of a pitched noise is not stable.

Fourth, adjustment CO..

Perform system reset on gasoline supply, air and ignition. Use a gauge to determine CO in the engine combustion process, whether it is efficient or not. Ideally, the value of CO should be under one percent.
Fifth, the throttle body. This component is very susceptible to dirt. Consequently, the attraction becomes less responsive. If the dirt had accumulated on a section called the throttle position sensor, it will cause the engine turns into "limp" in a stationary state. Cleaning throttle body related to the cleanliness of the air filter, because the source of these impurities from the air is sucked into the engine.

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BANYAK cara yang dilakukan pengendara mobil, agar tidak mudah mogok pada saat dipakai. Terutama jika mobil tersebut akan digunakan untuk pernjalanan jauh. Mobil mogok biasanya disebabkan beberapa faktor, di antaranya sistem injeksi yang bekerja tidak normal karena salah satu komponennya mengalami kerusakan/gangguan.
Oleh karena itu, perawatan berkala pada sistem injeksi, sebaiknya dilakukan setiap 5.000 km. Perawatan tersebut tentu akan menentukan kinerja mobil itu sendiri. Berikut ini, beberapa komponen yang harus mendapatkan perawatan khusus secara rutin, yaitu:
Pertama, nosel injektor. Lubang nosel yang kecil ukurannya ini dapat tersumbat kotoran/kerak. Bila itu terjadi, semprotan bensin bisa terhambat dan debitnya menjadi berkurang. Itu akan berakibat pada putaran mesin menjadi terganggu dan tarikannya menjadi lambat.

Kedua, saringan udara. Fungsinya filter ini untuk menyaring kotoran dan debu dari udara, sehingga memberi kesempatan udara masuk lebih banyak ke ruang bakar. Terhambatnya udara, akan menyebabkan pembakaran tidak sempurna dan memboroskan bahan bakar. Karena fungsinya sebagai penyaring, tentu saja saringan udara ini harus bersih dari kotoran.
Ketiga, saringan bensin. Komponen ini terdapat di ruang mesin dan terbuat dari logam/plastik khusus. Saringan bensin yang kotor, sebaiknya dibersihkan dengan bantuan angin bertekanan tinggi. Jika kondisinya terlalu kotor, sebaiknya ganti dengan yang baru. Bila dibiarkan, bisa menimbulkan kerusakan yang pada akhirnya merembet ke pompa bensin, ditandai dengan timbulnya suara berisik yang bernada tidak stabil.
Keempat, penyetelan CO.
Lakukan penyetelan ulang pada sistem suplai bensin, udara, dan pengapian. Gunakan pengukur CO untuk mengetahui proses pembakaran di mesin, apakah sudah efisien atau belum. Idealnya, nilai CO harus berada di bawah satu persen.
Kelima, throttle body. Komponen ini sangat rentan terhadap kotoran. Akibatnya, tarikan menjadi kurang responsive. Jika kotoran sudah menumpuk di bagian yang disebut throttle position sensor, maka akan menyebabkan putaran mesin menjadi "pincang" dalam keadaan stationer. Kebersihan throttle body berhubungan dengan kebersihan saringan udara, karena sumber kotoran tersebut berasal dari udara yang terisap ke ruang bakar.