MANY ways used by motorists, so as not easy to strike at the time of use. Especially if the car will be used to pernjalanan far. Car strikes are usually caused by several factors, including injection system that works is not normal because one of its components breaks interference.
Therefore, regular maintenance on injection system, should be done every 5,000 km. The treatment course will determine the performance of the car itself. Following this, several components that must receive special treatment on a regular basis, namely:
First, the injector nozzle. A small nozzle hole size can be clogged dirt / crust. When that happens, gasoline sprays may be stunted and debitnya be reduced. That will result in engine speed becomes distracted and pull to be slow.
Second, the air filter. This filter function is to filter out dirt and dust from the air, thereby allowing more air into the combustion chamber. Inhibition of the air, will cause incomplete combustion and wasted fuel. Because of its function as a filter, air filter of course has to be clean of dirt.
Third, fuel filter. This component contained in the engine room and made of metal / plastic. Fuel filter is dirty, should be cleaned with the help of high pressure wind. If conditions are too dirty, you should replace with new. If allowed, could lead to damage which eventually spread to a gas station, marked by the emergence of a pitched noise is not stable.
Fourth, adjustment CO..
Perform system reset on gasoline supply, air and ignition. Use a gauge to determine CO in the engine combustion process, whether it is efficient or not. Ideally, the value of CO should be under one percent.
Fifth, the throttle body. This component is very susceptible to dirt. Consequently, the attraction becomes less responsive. If the dirt had accumulated on a section called the throttle position sensor, it will cause the engine turns into "limp" in a stationary state. Cleaning throttle body related to the cleanliness of the air filter, because the source of these impurities from the air is sucked into the engine.
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BANYAK cara yang dilakukan pengendara mobil, agar tidak mudah mogok pada saat dipakai. Terutama jika mobil tersebut akan digunakan untuk pernjalanan jauh. Mobil mogok biasanya disebabkan beberapa faktor, di antaranya sistem injeksi yang bekerja tidak normal karena salah satu komponennya mengalami kerusakan/gangguan.
Therefore, regular maintenance on injection system, should be done every 5,000 km. The treatment course will determine the performance of the car itself. Following this, several components that must receive special treatment on a regular basis, namely:
First, the injector nozzle. A small nozzle hole size can be clogged dirt / crust. When that happens, gasoline sprays may be stunted and debitnya be reduced. That will result in engine speed becomes distracted and pull to be slow.
Second, the air filter. This filter function is to filter out dirt and dust from the air, thereby allowing more air into the combustion chamber. Inhibition of the air, will cause incomplete combustion and wasted fuel. Because of its function as a filter, air filter of course has to be clean of dirt.
Third, fuel filter. This component contained in the engine room and made of metal / plastic. Fuel filter is dirty, should be cleaned with the help of high pressure wind. If conditions are too dirty, you should replace with new. If allowed, could lead to damage which eventually spread to a gas station, marked by the emergence of a pitched noise is not stable.
Fourth, adjustment CO..
Perform system reset on gasoline supply, air and ignition. Use a gauge to determine CO in the engine combustion process, whether it is efficient or not. Ideally, the value of CO should be under one percent.
Fifth, the throttle body. This component is very susceptible to dirt. Consequently, the attraction becomes less responsive. If the dirt had accumulated on a section called the throttle position sensor, it will cause the engine turns into "limp" in a stationary state. Cleaning throttle body related to the cleanliness of the air filter, because the source of these impurities from the air is sucked into the engine.
translate fr:
BANYAK cara yang dilakukan pengendara mobil, agar tidak mudah mogok pada saat dipakai. Terutama jika mobil tersebut akan digunakan untuk pernjalanan jauh. Mobil mogok biasanya disebabkan beberapa faktor, di antaranya sistem injeksi yang bekerja tidak normal karena salah satu komponennya mengalami kerusakan/gangguan.
Oleh karena itu, perawatan berkala pada sistem injeksi, sebaiknya dilakukan setiap 5.000 km. Perawatan tersebut tentu akan menentukan kinerja mobil itu sendiri. Berikut ini, beberapa komponen yang harus mendapatkan perawatan khusus secara rutin, yaitu:
Pertama, nosel injektor. Lubang nosel yang kecil ukurannya ini dapat tersumbat kotoran/kerak. Bila itu terjadi, semprotan bensin bisa terhambat dan debitnya menjadi berkurang. Itu akan berakibat pada putaran mesin menjadi terganggu dan tarikannya menjadi lambat.
Kedua, saringan udara. Fungsinya filter ini untuk menyaring kotoran dan debu dari udara, sehingga memberi kesempatan udara masuk lebih banyak ke ruang bakar. Terhambatnya udara, akan menyebabkan pembakaran tidak sempurna dan memboroskan bahan bakar. Karena fungsinya sebagai penyaring, tentu saja saringan udara ini harus bersih dari kotoran.
Ketiga, saringan bensin. Komponen ini terdapat di ruang mesin dan terbuat dari logam/plastik khusus. Saringan bensin yang kotor, sebaiknya dibersihkan dengan bantuan angin bertekanan tinggi. Jika kondisinya terlalu kotor, sebaiknya ganti dengan yang baru. Bila dibiarkan, bisa menimbulkan kerusakan yang pada akhirnya merembet ke pompa bensin, ditandai dengan timbulnya suara berisik yang bernada tidak stabil.
Keempat, penyetelan CO.
Lakukan penyetelan ulang pada sistem suplai bensin, udara, dan pengapian. Gunakan pengukur CO untuk mengetahui proses pembakaran di mesin, apakah sudah efisien atau belum. Idealnya, nilai CO harus berada di bawah satu persen.
Kelima, throttle body. Komponen ini sangat rentan terhadap kotoran. Akibatnya, tarikan menjadi kurang responsive. Jika kotoran sudah menumpuk di bagian yang disebut throttle position sensor, maka akan menyebabkan putaran mesin menjadi "pincang" dalam keadaan stationer. Kebersihan throttle body berhubungan dengan kebersihan saringan udara, karena sumber kotoran tersebut berasal dari udara yang terisap ke ruang bakar.
Kelima, throttle body. Komponen ini sangat rentan terhadap kotoran. Akibatnya, tarikan menjadi kurang responsive. Jika kotoran sudah menumpuk di bagian yang disebut throttle position sensor, maka akan menyebabkan putaran mesin menjadi "pincang" dalam keadaan stationer. Kebersihan throttle body berhubungan dengan kebersihan saringan udara, karena sumber kotoran tersebut berasal dari udara yang terisap ke ruang bakar.
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